The Average Cost of Car Insurance

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The average cost of car insurance depends on a multitude of different factors

If you are living in Dubai, it is mandatory to have insurance on your vehicle. Although the accident rate in Dubai is quite low and drivers usually follow traffic laws quite strictly, having a car insurance policy in place is a sensible decision. When looking for car insurance, you can get full comprehensive coverage which covers your vehicle as well as the other car in an accident or third-party insurance which only covers the other vehicle which is involved in an accident with you. The type of insurance you choose has a direct impact on the cost of the insurance premiums.

The average cost of car insurance also depends on a multitude of different factors which either increase or decrease your premiums and it is important to shop around and compare coverage levels and plans to make sure you are getting value for your money.

What influences the cost of car insurance?

  • Age: individuals between 23 and 25 years are often charged a 25 % surcharge on their car insurance while individuals from 25-30 years usually pay 15% more than the average cost across the board. If you are older than 30 and younger than 60, you are likely to pay 10% less than the average cost of car insurance.
  • Experience: usually, if you have had your drivers license for less than a year, you pay a higher premium.
  • Type of vehicle: for an SUV, brand new car or four-wheeler you are likely to pay 10% less than the average cost. For a sports car, however, drivers can add up to 20% to their premiums.

The cost of your car is a primary factor which decides how much coverage you require and in turn determines your monthly repayment costs. Cars which are older, or vintage are often more expensive to insure as their parts are harder to acquire and more costly to replace. Additional features such as having coverage for a courtesy car or allowing other drivers to fall under your plan adds an extra amount onto your monthly premiums.

How can I lower the cost of my car insurance?

The first way to save on car insurance in Dubai is to compare quotes from different companies across the board, this allows you to find the best level of coverage and benefits for the price that suits your budget. You can do this within minutes on Compare Insurance. Another way to reduce your premiums is by maintaining a good driving record.

In this article

What influences the cost of car insurance?

How can I lower the cost of my car insurance?

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