Dental Care

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Is dental health covered under your health insurance plan?

Dental Care

Dental health falls under your health insurance plan and anyone who has dental treatment done knows that dental health can be very costly. Currently, dental health is not covered by Essential Basic Health Plans (EBH) offered by insurance companies and you would need to take out a higher premium medium level or comprehensive health insurance plan to be covered.

Importance of dental care

Oral hygiene and dental care is vital to the health of an individual. The health and strength of your teeth impact on your ability to chew food and get nourishment from a balanced, varied diet. If you have a tooth ache resulting from a broken or rotten tooth, it affects your overall ability to eat with ease. Dental health is also a good indicator of other conditions such as diabetes and heart conditions. Regular dental checkups are generally beneficial and people who do not have dental cover are less likely to maintain this

Why would I need dental cover?

Dental treatment can be expensive due to advanced treatment that may need to be done and multiple follow ups with a dental health professional. Most people only go to the dentist when they are in severe dental pain, in this situation there is likely more work to be done, rather than if a patient visited their dentist more frequently to maintain good health.

Dental emergencies are also a possibility, the cost of veneers or implant teeth can be exorbitantly costly, and many people do not plan for this to happen. Many expats who do not have dental cover have expressed that they would rather return home for dental treatment than pay cash up front in Dubai due to the high cost of dental treatment. If you have children, getting comprehensive dental cover is also a smart thing to think about as children are more likely to frequent the dentist due to the transition from baby teeth to adult teeth.

How can I get dental cover?

Start by looking at what you can afford when it comes to your health insurance plan. Planning ahead is not always easy as one seldom anticipates needing dental surgery or treatment if they are currently in good health. Have a look at the benefits that go along with medium cover and comprehensive cover plans on Compare Insurance and compare the benefits of each one and how it fits your pocket. Thinking ahead has it perks!

In this article

Importance of dental care

Why would I need dental cover?

How can I get dental cover?


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