Travel Insurance

5 signs you need travel insurance

Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, purchasing international travel health insurance can give you peace of mind throughout your stay. Unfortunately, many travellers forgo insurance, resulting in significant losses. If you’re on the fence about buying travel insurance, here are five signs you need it.

1) You’re travelling internationally

Travel doesn’t always go as planned. You might lose your wallet, fall ill, or get mugged, making insurance a necessity to cover you against any additional costs or losses if something goes wrong.

2) You’re worried you might get sick

Getting the flu or a cold while travelling can be many people’s worst nightmare. These conditions can not only make the trip uncomfortable, but they can also result in significant financial losses if medical treatments are required. Fortunately, most travel insurance policies cover emergency medical treatments, ensuring you can get free medical care.

3) You’re travelling with valuable luggage

Travelling to a new destination with luggage has many risks, including theft, burglary, and vandalism. If you’re carrying important documents, expensive gadgets, designer clothes, or cash with you, consider purchasing travel insurance to cover your possessions.

You’ll feel safer knowing you can be reimbursed if your items get lost or stolen.

4) You plan to partake in adventurous activities

Mountain climbing, sky diving, white-water rafting, zip-lining, and kayaking are part of holiday travel. While these outdoor activities are fun, they are dangerous and can lead to severe and life-threatening injuries that require medical attention, making insurance crucial.

However, you’ll need to pay extra for your cover as most insurers exclude certain activities in basic insurance policies.

5) You booked non-refundable flights and hotels

Life happens, and you may need to cancel an upcoming flight to tend to other vital matters. If you purchased a non-refundable hotel stay or flight, you could stay at home, but you won’t get your money back. Luckily, insurance covers non-refundable trip deposits, cushioning you from such losses.

Travelling locally or abroad can be stressful, but with the best international travel insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing you’re covered if things don’t go as planned. We can help you find insurance cover that suits you today. All you have to do is use our handy comparison tools.

Travel Insurance

What are the risks of travelling without travel insurance?

Insurance has become one of the most important parts of being able to travel. From illness to lost luggage, there are plenty of reasons for you to make sure that your trip is financially covered. Read on to see just a few reasons you need the best annual travel insurance, and what you can risk without having it.

In case of illness

If you get ill abroad, you could be in big trouble. In countries such as the United States, where medical bills can weigh down on you heavily, being covered can stop your trip from being a very short journey to bankruptcy. The same applies to any countries with significant medical costs since nationalised healthcare always tends to be in place for citizens, leaving tourists out in the cold. By getting comprehensive travel insurance, you can keep everyone in your travelling party as happy and healthy as can be throughout your trip, so you can focus on the holiday itself rather than having to budget for injuries.

Lost or damaged luggage

Travel insurance does much more than just looking after your physical condition, and can be a versatile tool to cover you in all sorts of financially precarious situations. For example, if your luggage goes missing at the end of your flight, hundreds of pounds worth of valuables and clothes could go missing along with it, and that can be hard to cover whilst also paying for a holiday. With travel insurance, the financial burden of lost luggage is much lower, and you won’t have to worry in the long run.

Delayed flights

If your flight is late and you can’t make it to your final destination, you might have your entire holiday ruined. After all, your travel could be put back an entire day and you might miss out on some stunning experiences. Effective cover can make sure that you are well prepared for any eventuality, including offering Flight Delay Assistance to get you into airport lounges to make up for your disappointing delays.

If you’re interested in family holiday insurance to reduce the risk of disappointment this summer, take a look at Compare Insurance today to see a range of great insurance options.

Travel Insurance

Worried about losing your luggage? Get travel insurance

The average person gets travel insurance to cover themselves against any possible injuries or illnesses when on holiday. This is, of course, a very sensible thing to do. However, a lot of people forget that insurance actually protects them against more than just humongous medical expenses. Instead, the cover can be used if you lose your luggage – either on the journey to or from your vacation destination. Let’s have a look at why it’s always so important to have this protection when going on holiday.


There are a lot of people who are unsure about packing their favourite items of clothing when they go away. This isn’t right, especially since you should look and feel your best when on holiday. Thankfully, you won’t feel deterred from packing your most expensive pair of trainers or your priciest jeans if you know that you’ll receive money to replace them should your luggage become lost.


It will always leave a sour taste in your mouth if you lose your luggage. However, it’s true to say that you’ll shield most of the blow if you’ve got travel insurance. You won’t have to worry about how you’ll be able to afford to replace everything, meaning you can instead maintain a more positive frame of mind during your trip. This should ensure that you enjoy yourself even in the event that your luggage gets lost.


There won’t be anything to stop you from bouncing back when you return from your holiday. Your travel insurance provider will let you know how much money you’re entitled to after losing your luggage, so you’ll be able to start replacing items sooner rather than later. This ultimately means that you shouldn’t have to pinch those pennies just to re-fill your wardrobe with clothes that shouldn’t have gone missing in the first place.

Let us help

Losing your luggage is never pleasant, but you’ll cushion the blow to you and your holiday if you are fully covered. Therefore, don’t wait to get your hands on cheap travel insurance by sizing up different providers through Compare insurance.