Car Insurance

How to check if your car is GCC spec in UAE

This blog post will instruct how to check for GCC specifications and what that means for your vehicle as well as your car insurance premium. We’ll also talk about the difference between GCC specs and other specifications that may be found outside of the UAE.

How do I know if my car is GCC spec?

There are a few ways to check if your car is GCC spec. The most common way is to look at the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on your car. If the VIN starts with “W”, then it’s a GCC spec car. You can also look for the “GCC” logo on your car, which will be found on the front and rear of the vehicle. Alternatively, you could visit a local car dealership that should be able to check this for you.

What does it mean if my car is GCC?

The main difference between a GCC spec car and other cars is that a GCC spec car has been designed for the UAE’s roads. This means that your car will have an additional protective layer for corrosion, which is very important in Dubai due to the saltwater in the air during certain seasons.

One of the key differences between GCC spec cars and other models is the air conditioning system which obviously needs to be more powerful than systems in other non-GCC vehicles due to the extreme heat here in UAE.

GCC spec cars are also required to be built with a higher quality of materials because they are more exposed to extreme conditions here. Also, GCC spec cars are required to have more safety features than other vehicles. They will usually include seat belts for all seats and airbags in front or rear seats depending on your car’s design.

My car isn’t GCC spec, will this affect my car insurance premiums?

Since non-GCC vehicles are not made to withstand the harsh environment of the Gulf region, insuring them is a greater risk for insurance companies. As such, you’re more likely to pay a higher 3rd party car insurance premium if your vehicle isn’t GCC spec.

Contact the RTA to find out more

If your car is not GCC spec, don’t worry! You may still be able to insure and drive it in Dubai as long as it meets the other requirements set by the Roads & Transport Authority (RTA). To find out more visit:

Travel Insurance

5 circumstances that may prevent travel insurance from covering you

Travel insurance is crucial whether you are travelling for work or leisure, but there are some cases when your insurance policy will not cover you. Although what is included and excluded from your cover ultimately depends on your specific emirates travel insurance, some circumstances can prevent you from making a claim.

If your expenses stem from a pre-existing condition

Pre-existing medical conditions are some of the common reasons for the denial of travel insurance claims. Insurance companies define a pre-existing condition as an illness, injury, disorder, or medical condition that prompted the insured person to seek treatment or take medication 60 to 180 days before buying a travel insurance policy. To find out whether your travel policy covers pre-existing conditions, read through the Description of Coverage to determine what is and is not covered by your insurance provider.

Participating in high-risk sports and activities

If you have an adventurous spirit and plan on participating in sports like parasailing, bungee jumping, white water rafting, etc., then you may not be allowed to claim in case of injuries, equipment loss, or personal financial losses. To protect yourself, ensure that your travel insurance policy covers all the activities you’ll be engaging in.

Travelling against government advice

The government releases travel alerts every so often, warning its citizens against travelling to areas with civil unrest, inclement weather, security matters, and disease. Therefore, if you decide to travel to a specific country despite a warning from the government, your travel insurance provider will not cover you at that destination. Pay attention to government warnings via their travel advisory website to ensure that you are not travelling to high-risk destinations.

Participating in self-harm incidents

Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol will render your travel insurance null and void. If you must indulge in alcohol consumption, ensure that you get a designated driver to avoid harming yourself and others.

Cancelling your trip before departure

While most travel insurance policies cover travel delay and travel interruption, they do not cover trip cancellation. Your insurance provider may fail to approve your claim if you change your mind about travelling.

To find the best travel insurance policy for you, visit our website and get travel insurance today.

Health Insurance

What do the different types of health insurance mean?

In some parts of the UAE, such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai, it is a legal requirement for residents to have health insurance. For the majority of people, health insurance is acquired through an employer, however, that is not always the case. So, here is a guide to the different levels and types of health insurance providers available:

What levels of health insurance are there?

There are three levels of health insurance to consider when comparing policies: basic, medium and comprehensive. There are usually price differences between the different levels, but this is because they offer different amounts of cover for healthcare-related costs. In general, the more you pay, the more cover you have.

A basic health insurance policy will cover you for treatment and related costs if you’re an inpatient in a hospital. A medium-level policy includes everything covered at a basic level, as well as outpatient care on top of that. A comprehensive insurance policy offers the highest level of cover. These types of policies include everything covered at a basic or medium level, plus cover for mental health and physiotherapy. Weighing up the amount of cover you need and how much you can afford to pay is a key way of choosing the right health insurance policy for you.

What types of health insurance policy are there?

As well as a range of levels, there are a variety of health insurance policies intended to cover different people. This means you can choose between an individual, joint, family or child policy, depending on your situation and needs. For example, taking out a joint policy to cover a couple will likely be better value for money compared to taking out two individual policies. Similarly, if you’re planning on expanding your family with a child, you may want to consider a family or child health insurance policy to prepare for their arrival.

If you’d like to know more about the different types of health cover available in the UAE, contact us today. A member of our team will be happy to help you compare policies and find the best medical insurance for parents.

Health Insurance

Understanding health insurance in UAE: what you need to know

The UAE has its own health system which is government-funded. However, it is also mandatory for UAE residents to take out health insurance, which is typically done via an employer. While this minimum-limit coverage, as defined by the government, provides useful protection in the event of illness or injury, it’s also a good idea to consider taking out a private policy in addition to mandatory insurance. Here’s why:

1) Faster treatments

With mandatory health insurance and medical coverage, you may be placed on a waiting list for treatment. During this time, your condition could get worse. With private health insurance, you can expect to be fast-tracked as soon as you make an appointment, as both diagnosis and treatment times are much quicker when attending a private hospital or clinic.

2) Private rooms

If you require a short stay in the hospital, you may feel like you want privacy during your convalescence. This is not guaranteed under mandatory health insurance. When you choose a private health insurance policy that stipulates that a private room will be guaranteed in the event of requiring a hospital stay, you can have the peace of mind that you’ll be able to recover in a more discreet and comfortable environment.

3) Value for money

In comparison to other countries, the cost of private health insurance is significantly less in the UAE. This is because things like surgical operations and treatments are cheaper. With a health insurance policy, you can expect to get the best possible treatment when you need it, without having to worry too much about the overall cost.

4) Access to more treatments and prescriptions

Some drugs and operations are not available with mandatory health insurance. To ensure access to the treatment you need, it is important to have a private health insurance policy with adequate cover.

5) Lots of options

When choosing private health insurance in UAE, you can select from policies that cover you within your city of residence, or plans that cover you for the whole UAE. If your occupation doesn’t involve much travelling, a city-wide plan could help you to save money. If you require nationwide coverage, you’ll be able to find a health insurance plan that suits your lifestyle.

If you’d like to know more about health cover in UAE, please feel free to contact us today. A member of our team will be happy to help you find the most suitable deal.

Health Insurance

Top 3 factors which affect the cost of health insurance

There are various types of insurance you can take out in the UAE to stay safe from what life throws at you. One of the most important is health insurance. This type of short term medical insurance covers you against illness and helps pay for any treatment you might need. There are lots of companies around the UAE that offer health insurance and most will quote a different price for your monthly premium. This is because there are various critical factors that affect how much your cover will cost.

But what are the top 3 to know about?

Level of cover

For any type of health or medical insurance, the level of cover you require is vital. This is because the more cover you wish to be insured for, the greater the costs any insurance company could face if you fall ill. More comprehensive cover for example might see the insurance company pay for hospital treatment plus outpatient care or physiotherapy. It is only common sense therefore that this sort of policy costs more to take out than more basic packages.


Although this might not sound fair, to begin with, you will usually pay more for your health insurance as you grow older. This does make perfect sense when you consider it more though. The simple truth is people tend to need more medical care as they age. This means that the insurance company will normally incur more costs from an older person, compared to a younger one. These increased costs are then reflected in the amount older people have to pay for cover.

Location and smoker status

As well as age, a few other personal details usually come into play. Your smoker status is certainly one and will have an impact on how much any policy costs. This is purely down to the health risks smoking brings and the chances of smokers needing more medical care than non-smokers.

Although you might not think it, where you live is also key. If you live somewhere with clinics/hospitals close by for treatment, the financial cost of getting you there is lower. This naturally sees your premium come down compared to someone who lives far away from the closest hospital.

Get the best UAE health insurance quotes with Compare Insurance

Of course, the other major factor which influences health insurance costs in the UAE is who you take it out with. All medical health insurance companies will have different deals and this makes finding the best value one crucial. Rather than spending hours trawling the internet to do this, let Compare Insurance help instead. We bring together the best UAE health insurance quotes in one handy place. Browse our website or contact us today for more details.

Travel Insurance

Fun activities that your travel insurance can cover

Are you an adventurer? Whether you’re into diving, trekking, or mountain biking, there are plenty of places all over the world that will have trails, dives and tracks that will suit your needs. If your ideal holiday includes some of these activities, read on for more inspiration!

Remember that all of these activities are often classed as ‘extreme’ on family travel insurance policies, so make sure your travel insurance covers them for a worry-free trip.

Scuba diving

Scuba diving is a popular past-time all over the world. We have some great spots in the UAE for diving, but other amazing locations include Australia (the Great Barrier Reef and the Ningaloo Reef), Indonesia, and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Many people love diving when they are on holiday – it’s something out of the ordinary, and it’s a great chance to try a new skill. Make sure that your insurance policy covers scuba diving before you take to the water, however, and read the small print. You may find that you are only covered for dives up to a certain depth, or with other conditions.

Rock climbing

Some destinations are epic for rock climbing. Think the Scottish Highlands, Krabi in Southern Thailand, or Yosemite National Park in California. It’s a really fun activity that can help you see more of the natural landscape of the place that you are holidaying in. However, rock climbing is often an add on to your travel insurance, due to its hazardous nature, so make sure that you’re covered before strapping on the ropes!


Skydiving is on many people’s bucket list. Some of the best places in the world to skydive include Byron Bay in Australia and diving over The Palm islands right here in the UAE!

Tandem skydives are the most common type, and while these are a popular holiday activity, they aren’t actually covered on many insurance policies. Make sure that you check before you take to the sky – while skydiving is very safe, accidents have happened and it is always better to be sure.

If you are planning on doing any potentially hazardous activities on your holiday, make sure that you check your travel insurance policy first. Then you can relax and enjoy!

Car Insurance

Getting car insurance in the UAE

Although car insurance can seem like an unnecessary expense, it is hugely important for protecting yourself and your vehicle against all the unforeseen events that may come your way, such as theft, accidents and third-party liability.

With the best car insurance companies, it is possible to protect yourself and your car against a whole string of potential costly occurrences, including expenses from a traffic accident, physical damage to your vehicle, bodily injuries caused to yourself or another driver, and legal liabilities.

What are the benefits of having car insurance in the UAE?

When driving your vehicle in the UAE, there are many benefits of insuring it. This includes:

– Ensuring you are not breaking the law
– Protecting your car from loss or damage
– Ensuring you have unlimited liabilities in the event of a third-party death or injury claim
– Aiding in medical costs for any bodily injuries caused to yourself or another person
– Indemnity against any property damage – either by yourself or a third-party
– Protecting you against any financial liabilities
– Ensuring you can replace your vehicle in the event of a theft or accident

What types of car insurance are there in the UAE?

There are two types of car insurance policies readily available within the UAE. Through understanding this, it will make it easy to compare car insurance quotes online.

Third-party liability car insurance

It is the law that every car owner who drives their vehicle in the UAE must have third-party liability insurance. This is the most basic form of car insurance available but still enables you to be protected against any third-party liabilities, such as bodily injuries or property damage that is caused to another person/property by the vehicle that has been insured.

This is not the most thorough car insurance policy though and any damage that is caused by, or affects, the policyholder is not covered. For example, it does not cover fire and theft or accidental collision. This means if there are any repair costs, they would need to be covered by the vehicle owner rather than the insurance company.

Comprehensive car insurance

For the best car insurance available in the UAE, you should look for comprehensive car insurance. This will help to protect your vehicle against all kinds of damages, whether caused by yourself or a third party, including theft or fire. It will also payout to a third party should there be an accident that leads to damage, injury or death.

For more information about car insurance policies in the UAE, contact us at Compare Insurance today.

Travel Insurance

How to keep valuables safe when travelling

If you’re venturing on holiday, whether that is abroad or within the UAE, you are going to want to find some ways to keep your valuables safe. If you are travelling with a smartphone, an expensive camera, or any other electronics, it is of paramount importance to keep these safe. Not just because of the monetary aspect, but to ensure you can still reach help if you need and to reduce having to claim on your international travel insurance.

Here are some ways to keep your valuables safe while travelling:

Use a money belt

For some smaller valuables, you can use a money belt to keep your valuables close to your person. Simply zip up cards, cash, your passport and even your phone in your money belt and keep it under your clothes. This deters thieves and means that they won’t slip out of your pocket. The only downside with money belts is that you usually can’t access them once they are on.

Lock your stuff away

Be sure to take a padlock with you, and lock everything away. If you are staying in a hostel, they should provide lockers, or if you are in your hotel room you could lock things in your suitcase. Similarly, if you are carrying around valuables, a discreet lock can stop pickpockets getting into your bag. Don’t make it look like you’ve got a lot to hide though!

Choose reputable hotels

Hotels with good reviews, lots of security, and modern locks are much less likely to have thefts than run-down hotels with easily breakable windows. Spend a little extra time doing hotel research to ensure that you find one that you feel comfortable in.

Invest in the right travel insurance

Having comprehensive travel insurance can be a game-changer. If you spend a little more money to cover your valuables, you will be much less anxious about them – and subsequently, you’ll enjoy your time abroad a lot more! It can cost extra to cover any additional items, so make sure that you read the terms and conditions carefully before buying, but it is definitely a worthwhile investment in unforeseen circumstances.

If you stick to these tips for keeping your valuables safe when travelling, it’s much more likely that you’ll have a hassle-free trip!

Travel Insurance

Should I get travel insurance?

When you are travelling abroad, getting insurance is vital. Travel insurance online covers anything that could go wrong while you’re away. The exact inclusions depend on your policy, but they can accommodate lost luggage, health emergencies, and flight cancellations.

If you’ve been on plenty of holidays and nothing has gone wrong, you might be wondering ‘do I need travel insurance?’. The answer is yes – and we’ll explain why in this article.

If you travel a lot, you’ll need it at some point

Although travel insurance can be expensive, something is bound to happen on a trip at least once in your life. If you have travel insurance, getting everything sorted will be much less of a headache! And you might even make all the money that you spent on insurance back once you submit a claim.

Travel insurance is not the same as health insurance

Even if you have health insurance in the UAE, travel insurance is a necessity if you are going abroad. Your UAE health insurance will only cover you when you’re in the country, so when you are abroad, it’s important that you have a separate policy in the event of a health emergency.

Travel credit card protection should be questioned

Some credit cards do offer a level of protection, that’s true. However, this protection is limited. Some will only cover costs if you booked your trip with that card, and the coverage is generally very low. While credit card coverage is a good backup, it’s not something that you should rely on solely.

Travel insurance covers some things that you may not have even considered

Travel insurance covers many things that you may not have even thought about. If you need to cut your trip short, your travel insurance policy may be able to compensate you for the money that you’ve spent on returning home. If you’ve missed your flight, you might be able to get some money back for this as well.

And that’s without mentioning the medical emergencies it can cover. On rare occasions, people are airlifted and taken to other cities with better medical facilities. If you have insurance, you’ll be covered if this happens to you – if you don’t, you’ll be paying it back out of your own pocket!

All in all, it’s essential that you get travel insurance, even if you’re only going away for a few days.

Car Insurance

Top tips for young drivers in the UAE

If you are a young driver in the UAE and have recently passed your test, you may find the process of choosing your car insurance overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Below we outline some top tips for young drivers to help you get the insurance quotes online you need at the best price possible.

1. Choose the right cover

While it may be tempting to opt for less insurance coverage, if you would be unable to replace your car if it was involved in an accident, then it is advisable to select a fully comprehensive insurance policy. This will ensure, no matter what scenario you may be involved in, e.g. a traffic collision or an act of vandalism, you will have the cover you need.

2. Prove you are a low-risk driver

As a new driver, the best way to prove to insurance companies that you are not a risk is by driving as safely as possible. In your second year as a newly-approved driver, you will be able to significantly lower your insurance quote if you have not made any claims or been involved in any accidents.

3. Carefully select your vehicle

Vehicles with expensive customisations, such as alloy wheels or powerful engines, are more expensive to insure. This is due to the fact it is more expensive for insurance companies to repair or replace them. While it may be tempting to choose an expensive model as your first car, it is better value to choose a car that meets your needs and does not have unnecessary customisations.

4. Compare car insurance online

The best and most effective way to ensure you select the right insurance policy at the best price possible as a young driver is to compare car insurance online. This will ensure you are receiving the best value for the cover you need and will prevent you from having to contact multiple insurance providers individually for a car insurance quote which can be time-consuming.

If you are a young driver looking for car insurance in the UAE, visit Compare Insurance today. We can help you find the cover you need effortlessly.