Travel Insurance

What you need to know about Covid-19

COVID-19 is a very hot topic right now. For a great many of you that are planning to travel and have purchased travel insurance, you will want to know what you can do and where you stand.

What is it?

COVID-19 is thought to have started with animals, which is similar to viruses that have appeared before.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

In most cases, it has mild symptoms and closely resembles the common cold and in more significant cases, the flu.
The symptoms include:

– Shortness of breath
– Fever
– A constant cough
– Runny nose

It is possible that it can spread before symptoms appear making it difficult to contain.

How can I limit my exposure?

The best approach is to practice good hygiene by doing the following:

– Limiting contact with those that exhibit the conditions.
– Wash your hands frequently.
– Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.
– Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and mouth with your hands.
– Not sharing bedding and utensils with anyone that is unwell.

Is it safe to travel?

If you travel to parts of the world where the virus is prevalent, then this could result in a quarantine period. However, there is no direct danger if you travel elsewhere.

How can I prepare for a trip?

Your travel plans may not be affected, but you can prepare:

– Check Government websites for travel advice for your destination.
– Talk to your doctor if you are travelling with a child, are pregnant or have weak immunity.
– Consult with your transport provider for advice on possible disruptions.
– Stay healthy by eating foods that boost immunity.

What should I do if I have returned and feel unwell?

If you have a cough, difficulty breathing and fever, then you need to seek medical care. These symptoms can have different causes, including COVID-19.

You need to tell your health care provider if you have been to China or other high-risk countries where COVID-19 has been reported.

It is important to note to phone your local hospital or doctor before you arrive as this will allow the medical teams to make preparations before your arrival.


Whatever you decide, you need to ensure that you have comprehensive trip insurance. For the latest prices and up-to-date information on the best travel insurance click here.

Photo: Free image by Pixabay

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