This blog post will instruct how to check for GCC specifications and what that means for your vehicle as well as your car insurance premium. We’ll also talk about the difference between GCC specs and other specifications that may be found outside of the UAE.
How do I know if my car is GCC spec?
There are a few ways to check if your car is GCC spec. The most common way is to look at the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on your car. If the VIN starts with “W”, then it’s a GCC spec car. You can also look for the “GCC” logo on your car, which will be found on the front and rear of the vehicle. Alternatively, you could visit a local car dealership that should be able to check this for you.
What does it mean if my car is GCC?
The main difference between a GCC spec car and other cars is that a GCC spec car has been designed for the UAE’s roads. This means that your car will have an additional protective layer for corrosion, which is very important in Dubai due to the saltwater in the air during certain seasons.
One of the key differences between GCC spec cars and other models is the air conditioning system which obviously needs to be more powerful than systems in other non-GCC vehicles due to the extreme heat here in UAE.
GCC spec cars are also required to be built with a higher quality of materials because they are more exposed to extreme conditions here. Also, GCC spec cars are required to have more safety features than other vehicles. They will usually include seat belts for all seats and airbags in front or rear seats depending on your car’s design.
My car isn’t GCC spec, will this affect my car insurance premiums?
Since non-GCC vehicles are not made to withstand the harsh environment of the Gulf region, insuring them is a greater risk for insurance companies. As such, you’re more likely to pay a higher 3rd party car insurance premium if your vehicle isn’t GCC spec.
Contact the RTA to find out more
If your car is not GCC spec, don’t worry! You may still be able to insure and drive it in Dubai as long as it meets the other requirements set by the Roads & Transport Authority (RTA). To find out more visit: