Health Insurance

Top 3 factors which affect the cost of health insurance

There are various types of insurance you can take out in the UAE to stay safe from what life throws at you. One of the most important is health insurance. This type of short term medical insurance covers you against illness and helps pay for any treatment you might need. There are lots of companies around the UAE that offer health insurance and most will quote a different price for your monthly premium. This is because there are various critical factors that affect how much your cover will cost.

But what are the top 3 to know about?

Level of cover

For any type of health or medical insurance, the level of cover you require is vital. This is because the more cover you wish to be insured for, the greater the costs any insurance company could face if you fall ill. More comprehensive cover for example might see the insurance company pay for hospital treatment plus outpatient care or physiotherapy. It is only common sense therefore that this sort of policy costs more to take out than more basic packages.


Although this might not sound fair, to begin with, you will usually pay more for your health insurance as you grow older. This does make perfect sense when you consider it more though. The simple truth is people tend to need more medical care as they age. This means that the insurance company will normally incur more costs from an older person, compared to a younger one. These increased costs are then reflected in the amount older people have to pay for cover.

Location and smoker status

As well as age, a few other personal details usually come into play. Your smoker status is certainly one and will have an impact on how much any policy costs. This is purely down to the health risks smoking brings and the chances of smokers needing more medical care than non-smokers.

Although you might not think it, where you live is also key. If you live somewhere with clinics/hospitals close by for treatment, the financial cost of getting you there is lower. This naturally sees your premium come down compared to someone who lives far away from the closest hospital.

Get the best UAE health insurance quotes with Compare Insurance

Of course, the other major factor which influences health insurance costs in the UAE is who you take it out with. All medical health insurance companies will have different deals and this makes finding the best value one crucial. Rather than spending hours trawling the internet to do this, let Compare Insurance help instead. We bring together the best UAE health insurance quotes in one handy place. Browse our website or contact us today for more details.

Photo: Free image by Pixabay
Health Insurance

4 myths about medical insurance busted

When the time comes to buy health insurance for you and your family, you may be unsure as to what benefits you will receive, and which ones are not automatically covered. There are many myths regarding individual health insurance plans, and in this article, we will try and clear up some of the more obvious ones.

Myth 1: I don’t need health insurance because I am young and fit

This myth is one of the most common when it comes to personal health insurance, but anyone can be taken ill at any time, and it is best to get health insurance cover from a young age. Also, because you are young and healthy, your premiums will be a lot lower than if you were to wait and take out health insurance in middle-age, for example.

Myth 2: I do not have to declare any pre-existing illnesses

This attitude is totally wrong. When signing up for health insurance, you must be honest and declare any pre-existing illnesses and diseases you may be suffering from. If you fail to declare these pre-existing conditions, you may find your insurer will discover your medical history and reject your request for a claim.

Myth 3: I won’t get health insurance because I’m a smoker

A lot of people think that because they are a smoker they will not be eligible for medical insurance, but this is another myth. Even though smokers are more at risk of health problems, most health insurance providers will offer a range of policies to cover them. Nevertheless, since smokers are more at risk from certain illnesses and diseases compared to non-smokers, the premiums will be higher.

Myth 4: Pre-existing illnesses are covered from the start

In fact, the opposite is true, with most health insurance policies coming with a waiting period of 30-days, except for accidents, before you can make any claim. For pre-existing illnesses, the waiting period can be anything from two to four years.

As you can see, it is important to take the time to compare different medical insurance policies online, so you can choose the one most suitable for your needs.

Photo: Free image by Pixabay