Car insurance is, of course, essential before you can drive your vehicle. But if you’re thinking about buying a new car, when is the best time actually sort out your car insurance? In certain circumstances, it actually makes the most sense to get a car insurance policy in place before you have even bought the car. This can help save you time, and get you on the road faster.
When should you insure before you buy?
Obviously, if you’re not sure what car you’re going to buy or you’re just going to look at a car, it’s worth making sure it’s what you want and expect before arranging motor vehicle insurance. But, there are instances where you know a vehicle is the one you want before you have even left to see it. In these instances, you can actually arrange insurance on that vehicle before you have bought it.
Why would you do that? The main reason is to make the process of getting the vehicle home faster. Once you have bought the car, it means you can just get in it and drive straight home, rather than having to spend time arranging insurance. Some dealers might offer you driveaway insurance, but these can be expensive options for the comparatively minimal coverage they offer. And of course, you will still have to insure yourself when you get home anyway because most driveaway insurance policies only last for 24 hours.
How can you find the best quote?
To get the best quote, you should consider using an online comparison tool. You can put the details of your proposed vehicle and the nature of the policy you require into a specialist tool, such as Compare Insurance, and in a matter of moments be presented with a variety of different quotes. These quotes all come from major and specialist insurance companies, suiting a range of budgets.
If you’re thinking about buying a new car, and you know the exact car you want to buy, make sure you’re able to drive it straight home after purchasing it. Visit Compare Insurance today to see what kind of car insurance deals you can find.