Average car insurance cost can be yet another of those annoying costs that come out month after month, stopping you from diving into your next favourite hobby or taking that holiday you’ve wanted for ages. Here are a few ways to reduce your car insurance bill and free up some money to be better spent on you.
Pay Annually
Paying for your car insurance monthly is effectively taking out a loan. You’re spreading out what would be an annual cost into twelve, but when you pay monthly you also cover an interest payment sprinkled on top. Although you’ll only save a few per cent this way, if you’re saving the pennies then the pounds can look after themselves.
Only pay for what you need
Some people, when looking at car insurance, will consider going for a selection of fun features that they just don’t need. For example, if you were to go for “Enhanced Breakdown Cover” with a brand new car, it might not be required and could be a significant added cost to your car insurance quote. If you only get what you need for you could save a significant amount of money year on year.
Don’t modify your car
Whilst modifications like a louder exhaust, changed bodywork or a tuned engine might seem like a fun idea at the time, they can often come with high insurance costs. This is because modifications can often be done by dealers that are not certified or are seen to be unreliable. Whilst you might enjoy having a modified car, you might have to consider if the insurance cost is worth it.
Shop around
A lot of the time, you won’t find the best deal in the first place you look. It’s always best to shop around to try and find the ideal plan for you at an affordable price. If you’re interested in the best place to compare and contrast car insurance quotes, just visit Compare Insurance. We have a wide range of car insurance companies and quotes available, so we can help you to find the perfect deal.