How your driving license affects your insurance

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The traffic system in Dubai works on a points and fine system with the aim of preventing reckless driving and reducing accidents on the roads.

The traffic system in Dubai works on a points and fine system with the aim of preventing reckless driving and reducing accidents on the roads. Black points and fines can impact your driving license and even have it suspended. Insurance companies take your driving history into consideration when it comes to insuring your vehicle and this may have an influence on the insurance premiums you are paying.

Driving history and insurance premiums

When it comes to getting quotes on insurance for your car, insurance companies request and consider the history of the driver. If you have a history of car accidents and claims, you are likely to pay a higher insurance premium the next time you renew your car insurance. Being in possession of a driving license for a longer period and having a no claims certificate may reduce your premiums as you are deemed lower risk.

Black and white points

A points system was introduced to drivers in 2012 by the Dubai Police. This system has shown great results with regards to a reduction in accidents on the roads.

Black points are given to drivers who break the rules of the road and drive recklessly. You can receive a maximum amount of 24 black points per year, after this is exceeded a driver can have their driving license and vehicle suspended for a year. Examples of violations that could result in receiving black points include drivers and passengers not wearing a seat belt, not having child car seats if you have children or babies in the car, littering, using your cellphone while driving as well as speeding. All of these regulations are done with the aim of promoting safe driving and preventing accidents.

White points are rewarded to drivers for good driving behavior such as complying with the rules of the road. Drivers can earn up to 24 points and can lose points if they commit any violations or are involved in any kind of accident. Drivers with the highest amount of white points are put into a draw and can be awarded with attractive prizes upon random selection.

How could this affect my insurance premium?

Drivers in Dubai could end up paying lower premiums on their car insurance if they drive well and follow traffic rules. On the other hand, drivers with black points against their name are likely to be charged higher rates by their car insurance company.

It definitely pays to follow the rules and start driving safer.

In this article

Driving history and insurance premiums

Black and white points

How could this affect my insurance premium?

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