Treatment Administered by a Registered Acupuncturist

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In the UAE, coverage for alternative treatments such as acupuncture are usually associated with high-end plans only

Acupuncture is categorized as an alternative medicine. It forms an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Though exact methods vary, all acupuncture involves the use of needles inserted into various points under the skin. It is widely believed to stimulate points in the body and ease the symptoms of numerous health conditions. Purported benefits of acupuncture can range from alleviation of mild allergy symptoms and sinus problems to treatment of neurological disorders. Acupuncture is also a purported preventative treatment for a wide range of health issues.

Treatment administered by a registered acupuncturist is safe. Practitioners all use pre-sterilized disposable needles which are never used more than once.

Will Health Insurance Cover Acupuncture?

Most health insurance policies do not include acupuncture cover as standard. Many health-insurance companies in the UAE offer acupuncture (and other forms of alternative medicine cover) as ‘optional cover’. You would need to pay a higher premium to receive this type of treatment cover. However, many comprehensive and high-premium plans do cover acupuncture, TCM and other alternative medicines in full.

Standard health insurance policies provide cover for what are deemed Medically Necessary treatments for medical conditions, illnesses and injuries. Most treatments must have scientifically proven efficacy. Acupuncture is not considered to be a scientifically proven healthcare method. It is therefore classified as experimental and/or investigational treatment, which is not usually covered.

In some cases, acupuncture is wholly or partially covered when it is used for specific ailments. Insurers will list what acupuncture treatments are included or excluded.

There are medical doctors who administer treatment as registered acupuncturists. This acupuncture may be regarded as a complementary treatment and treated as such by an insurer. A medical plan that covers complimentary treatments will likely cover acupuncture administered by a doctor, or such treatment as prescribed by a doctor.

Some plans provide limited/partial coverage of acupuncture when it is used as an alternative to anaesthesia during a surgical or dental procedure covered by the healthcare plan, provided it is administered by a qualified physician who is also qualified to perform acupuncture. Some other plans may extend coverage of acupuncture for medically necessary indications.

If you are uncertain whether your health insurance covers acupuncture, it is best to speak to your health insurance consultant before undergoing acupuncture.

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Will Health Insurance Cover Acupuncture?


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