Childhood Nutrition

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What you need to know about childhood nutrition

Raising children is such a rewarding experience but there is so much to know and learn along the way. Childhood nutrition is an everchanging aspect and plays a key role in their growth and development. From the time a baby is born, their nutritional needs change through every phase of growth until they reach childhood. In a nutshell, childhood nutrition can be a complex and detailed topic of discussion, however each growth phase of a child’s life has specific nutritional requirements. If you require professional assistance when it comes to childhood nutrition, reaching out to a registered dietitian, nutritionist or pediatrician is a good idea.

Feeding your baby

Generally, it is recommended to exclusively breastfeed, or formula feed your child until the age of 6 months, this timeline does not suit every child and should be determined in line with the baby’s growth patterns and milestones. At the age of 6 months, rice cereals are usually introduced followed pureed vegetables and fruits, going onto chunky blends of protein-rich beans and meats with vegetables. These complementary foods are fed in combination with a continuation of breast or formula feeding.

Nourishing toddlers

Toddlers are notoriously known for being picky eaters. Toddler-led weaning is an interesting practice where parents place options of finger foods that children can play with, choose, and eat on their own. It is great for toddlers who are hesitant to try new foods. Hiding vegetables in soups, mashed potatoes and other soft meals is a great way to increase variety in the diet.

Keeping kids healthy

As children grow up, it is important to keep them nourished using a balanced and varied diet. A balanced diet would include a healthy breakfast, one or two small snacks during the day, lunch, and dinner. Making sure to include foods like fruit, vegetables, dairy products, wholegrains, and lean protein sources.

It is not uncommon for children to have a daily multivitamin, however a balanced diet with loads of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as milk products provides many of your daily vitamins and minerals. Childhood nutrition does not have to be complicated! Simply encouraging your child to enjoy a variety of foods and setting an example with your own eating habits is a good place to start. School lunch boxes is an easy way to pack in a variety of food as well as a treat food that children can enjoy.

Balance is really the key word when it comes to childhood nutrition! Limit high sugar processed foods like sweets, chips and chocolates and allow these types of foods once a week or on special occasions.

In this article

Feeding your baby

Nourishing toddlers

Keeping kids healthy

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