Mental Health Insurance

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How important is it to prioritize your mental health?

Mental Health Insurance

Prioritizing mental health has become more important than ever. External pressures such as work, financial and relationship stresses have the potential to overrule your life and take a toll on your overall health. Mental health issues include a large umbrella of short to long term conditions including anxiety, depression, substance addiction, burnout, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. People often stigmatize mental illness and believe it is something that will never happen to them, the reality is mental illness could affect anyone – all ages, genders and races.

Mental illness on the rise

The incidence of mental illness is on the rise, with almost one-third of the population of Dubai in need of mental health assistance or intervention. Mental health amongst young people, especially children and adolescents, is of particular concern. Children and teenagers are becoming exposed to social media at a younger age which opens the door to cyber bullying and pressures to fit in with their peers. Anxiety disorders, eating disorders, depression and schizophrenia have been found to top the list of mental health issues affecting young people in the UAE.

Mental health vs Physical Health

Mental health is just as important physical health and is often overlooked due to the expense of consulting with mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists. General health insurance policies usually do not cover mental health issues, possibly leading to greater expenses down the line.

Treatment for your mental health

Seeking treatment for mental health issues can be a medium to long term process and can result in multiple consultations leading to large medical bills. Treatment for substance addiction and eating disorders generally requires a longer stay in a rehabilitation facility. Mental health services are usually expensive. Without mental health insurance, you may be tempted to forgo the care you require or seek short term alternatives to save on costs, this could lead to worsening conditions and more stress during an already stressful time. Mental health insurance may also cover medication you need if recommended by your psychiatrist or doctor.

Understanding your health insurance plan

Take the time to fully understand your health insurance plan and what it covers and what it does not. If you already have a chronic mental illness, it would be best to disclose this when opening a new health insurance policy, in this way you can ensure that you’re fully covered when it comes to your medical and therapeutic needs. Considering your mental health is extremely important in this day and age. Don’t hesitate to seek advice or a second opinion on adding mental health insurance to your current health insurance plan.

In this article

Mental illness on the rise

Mental health vs Physical Health

Treatment for your mental health

Understanding your health insurance plan

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