Vision care

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Vision care is such an essential part of healthcare, yet it is so often overlooked.

Dubai is home to some of the best medical practitioners and healthcare facilities in the world. Whether you are an expat working in the city or a resident of Dubai, having health insurance coverage would be beneficial to ensure that you are able make use of the resources available to you. Health insurance generally has different coverage levels which are available at different premiums to suit your needs and your budget.

Vision care is such an essential part of healthcare, yet it is so often overlooked. If you have a visual impairment and require glasses or contact lenses to go about your daily life, you will know about the cost involved in getting visual aids and consulting with optometrists. Laser eye treatment to improve vision is also an extremely costly treatment which requires multiple consultations and surgery conducted by an ophthalmologist.

Health insurance and vision care

If you are seeking health insurance, it is important to look at all areas of coverage and whether the plan you are considering has cover for vision care, particularly if you already have a visual impairment. Basic health insurance plans generally do not offer vision care benefits and one would need to look into a comprehensive plan to ensure their vision care requirements are covered. Comprehensive health insurance plans are offered at a higher premium than basic or medium care plans, yet they have the benefit of covering out of hospital or outpatient treatment.

Some medical aids offer vision care as an add on to your health insurance plan which might be beneficial if you only require vision care and not the other benefits associated with a comprehensive medical aid.

The importance of vision care

Most people do not anticipate needing visual care unless they already have a visual impairment, however visual impediments could happen at any time. Eye care professionals recommend that you have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years, and more often if you are older or have a genetic disposition to visual conditions. Children also need regular eye exams to detect whether they might have visual problems that may cause difficulty when it comes to learning.

How to ensure that you are covered

If you or one of your dependents requires visual care, looking at different health insurance plans and comparing their level of cover as well as their premiums is a good place to start.

In this article

Health insurance and vision care

The importance of vision care

How to ensure that you are covered


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