Self-pay Healthcare Plans

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This would be a great option if you do not want the monthly or annual premiums

The term “Self-pay Healthcare Plans” simply describes people who are willing to pay for their medical treatment directly at the healthcare worker rather than having private health insurance. This would be a great option if you do not want the monthly or annual premiums or have chronic or pre-existing medical conditions that are excluded from medical policies as a benefit.

Do you have enough savings?

We always recommend that you save what you would have paid as a monthly premium for the times you might need to pay the hospital or health practitioner directly so you are sure to have enough savings in the case of an accident or severe illness as medical costs could be very expensive.

Specific treatment

Another important note is that you might need to be referred to hospital for a specific treatment by your general practitioner (GP) as he or she would be more familiar with your medical background – but it would be your responsibility to shop around for hospitals. Get quotes from as many hospitals as possible for the treatment your GP recommends you get so you are sure to get the best price for the procedure.

What's included?

Be sure to understand what would be included in the case of accepting the quote and what exactly you are paying, for example, does the quote include a private room, nursing care after the procedure, the time in the theatre, the drugs used during and after the procedure, the dressing that would be needed and the cost implications due to come form of complication.

Double check the exclusions!

Always be sure to check and double-check the exclusions for example consultation fees and anaesthetist fees as you do not want any surprises when it comes to the costs. In most cases, you would probably need to pay in full before the procedure.

All medical insurance policies differ and some policies may exclude some pre-existing condition and their policies not – so be sure to use Compare Insurance to compare a variety of medical policies quickly and easily all under one roof.

In this article

Do you have enough savings?

Specific treatment

What's included?

Double check the exclusions!

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